People are often busy and don’t have time to learn how to use tools. They want programs to be clear and intuitive, even pleasant. The two aforesaid are respectively related to usability and user experience (UX). In Qualpro, we believe that usability is the key to success. We realise how much you want to understand the system to make the most of the possibilities it offers. You surely need the feature to be where you expect to find them and work in a desirable way. That is why we invested a lot of time and effort in developing proRMS. We strongly focused on usability and UX and considered the hoteliers‘ character of work and requirements.

proRMS is an analytical system which can recommend optimal prices and restrictions for your products. It includes powerful reporting and analytical properties that can support people responsible for the hotel pricing policy in their decision-making. Do you think that a system dealing with such complex processes has to be difficult to use and require extensive training? Not really. From the very beginning, we concentrated primarily on usability as well as the needs of hoteliers for whom proRMS is a tool used for doing their day-to-day work. When designing the user interface or the availability and operation of individual features, we carefully verified all the ideas and needs. We had some great support from professionals working in different hotels. The result? See for yourself.
Software such as a Revenue Management System is usually difficult in terms of form and content. Companies often ignore the complaints of users who have problems with using their products. Qualpro is one of the few to care, so we devoted our work to usability and UX. Since we properly arranged the features, made a large and visible screen, clearly presented the results and introduced many other UX solutions, you can use the software in a quick and efficient way. Order the demo version with no strings attached and find out how intuitive proRMS is. A clean interface where everything is in its place will help you in all your hotelier tasks.