Here you can find news about Qualpro, information on hospitality trends and various educational articles. Read, discover more and grow your business!

The Cloud Advantage
The COVID-19 pandemic has verified our ability to work remotely. People have had some trouble finding the appropriate hardware and/or software to seamlessly continue doing their job as usual. Things like instant messengers or webcams have already been put into use....
Qualpro at Rentowny Hotel
Qualpro will take part in Rentowny Hotel 2020 – one of the key events in the hospitality industry VII Ogólnopolski Kongres Menedżerów i Właścicieli Hoteli i Obiektów Hotelowych [the 7th National Congress of Owners and Managers of Hotels and Hotel Facilities] is a...
Defeat the Crisis with RM!
The COVID-19 pandemic has left many industries at the brink of collapse. Recent months have also shown us the importance of predictions. Currently, you need an effective strategy to make up for previous losses as much as possible. You have to think your actions...
Usability – the key to success
People are often busy and don’t have time to learn how to use tools. They want programs to be clear and intuitive, even pleasant. The two aforesaid are respectively related to usability and user experience (UX). In Qualpro, we believe that usability is...
Don’t hesitate, let’s integrate!
proRMS is a new RMS solution. Despite the current situation in the hotel industry, we are gaining recognition as well as getting positive feedback on the efficiency of our platform. We specialise is advanced analytics beyond the capabilities of many companies....
Divide the work and conquer
What can two brothers achieve when they join forces? Build the first hot air balloon (the Montgolfier brothers)?Build the first airplane (the Wright brothers)?Write the most famous fairy tales (the Grimm Brothers)?Or maybe create a great ancient empire (guess who!)?...
COVID vs. Hotel Industry
Surprising Statistics When coronavirus spread worldwide, countries responded at different times and in many ways. Not all countries had equal chances to get prepared. A few of them, according to some, failed to do the right thing. Hotels couldn’t escape the pandemic...
Hotel 360 Expo London
Hotel 360 Expo London, at London’s ExCeL on 11-12 May 2021, is UK’s Leading Hospitality Event Dedicated to Improving Your Hotel Profitability.
First Polish RMS
RMS (Revenue Management System) appeared in the hotel industry several years ago. Currently, there are several dozen systems supporting and automating the processes related to hotel price policies. The awareness and use of these tools in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian...
New CEO at Qualpro
Michał Forysiak – new CEO at Qualpro Michał Forysiak – associated with Qualpro and the proRMS idea from the very beginning – is the new CEO at Qualpro. Hotelier, passionate about revenue management and analytical data processing. Over the past 20 years, he has gone...
First implementations
After the recent official launch of version 1.0 of the system, we managed to conduct the first commercial proRMS implementations. The first hotels learned about the value that proRMS can offer them. At the beginning of our business activity, we focus primarily on the...
ProRMS is live!
As planned, yesterday the first commercial version of the proRMS system was officially launched! Access to the service: After implementations in pilot hotels, which brought the first impressions and opinions of hoteliers as to the concept and operation of the system –...
Find out also about ours other products and services

Technology created to manage and optimise revenue. Improve your rate, don’t lose your time and save costs.
Practical courses and workshops. Experts from different fields of hotel industry will share with you their knowledge. Increase your competence!
Individual and practical support in revenue management. Consulting, audit and implementing processes.
Let’s meet!
The controlling system in USALI standard. Maximizing profitability through cost and margin control.