On 23 February 2021, we took part in an online event “ITH LAB Virtual Showroom of Hotel Innovations” organized by the Spanish Instituto Tecnologico Hotelero (the Technological Institute of Hospitality). The main goal was to show technological solutions that support the post-pandemic recovery of the hotel industry. The virtual showroom was very popular – it had several hundred viewers related to hospitality. The panelists were the leading representatives of the Spanish hotel market. The guests were representatives of companies offering the aforesaid solutions. Our company Qualpro was represented by Anna Jaguszewska, an expert on revenue management.
During the event, the host, Carlos Domínguez from ITH, argued that the hotels industry, as one of the most pandemic-stricken, so its adaptability to changes is crucial. Most panelists said that nowadays building customer relationships plays a vital role. One of the panelists, Jorge Álvarez Diéguez, GM at Gran Bilbao Hotel, highlighted the need for digitalization. When the hoteliers finished discussing the market situation and necessary steps, it was the guests’ turn to present their solutions.

Anna Jaguszewska (photo above) emphasized the importance of revenue management systems (RMS) during the hotel industry recovery. In her opinion, an RMS has an advantage over popular Business Intelligence (BI) solutions in the hospitality industry. BI solutions can efficiently collect data, but they don’t really “know” how to process it. An RMS, on the other hand, not only interprets data, but also provides hoteliers with actionable recommendations. Although RMSs are more expensive, they are much better at supporting hoteliers in optimizing revenue.
Later on, Anna said that RMSs such as proRMS can learn on their own, so their price recommendations are reasonable (an important feature when we lack historical data). In addition, proRMS keeps users informed about compset changes (some hotels may have become direct competitors, others may no longer be ones). Another crucial element is analysis – proRMS analyzes guest behavior and trends as well as all revenue centers (it results in a better understanding of the hotel market and planning next steps). Anna summed up that an RMS actually is a profitable investment because, for example, proRMS has an integrated rate shopper and the function of generating reports – several tools for the price of one.
Finally, the participants concluded that people are still the most important aspect of the hospitality industry: both guests and employees. Miguel Ángel Doblado, GM at Only YOU Hotel Atocha, added that we shouldn’t be afraid of technology – we must take from it what we need. As Qualpro, we are grateful that we could take part t in this prestigious event and show how to generate higher hotel revenue through RMS technology. We would like to thank the event organizers for the invitation as well as Anna Jaguszewska for successfully representing our company. Let technology serve your hotel’s cause!
More for Spanish-speaking people: Click here to see the video from the event (don’t miss the part with Anna – click here!) or click here to read the article about the event.
More for English-speaking people: If you have any questions about the use and benefits of ProRMS, contact Anna directly via e-mail: anna.jaguszewska@qualpro.co